Borders: Journeys Through the North and South
My grandmother’s entrance into the U.S. wasn’t as treacherous as it is for many other immigrants, but there’s a sense of sacrifice and hardship behind all border crossings.
The Unreliable Narration of Final Fantasy 7
I love seeking out stories that like to mislead the reader.
The Grief of Ghosts: Dealing with Invisible Illness as a College Student
It is a strange thing: mourning for someone who is still alive – mourning for yourself.
I am a Soft Animal: On Mary Oliver
For the first time in my life, it felt like I was being understood.
Call for Submissions: SR Mini Issue, “Making Art in Times of Crisis”
The upcoming mini-issue of the Saranac Review, (to be published in January 2024), invites prose pieces up to 7000 words (including flash cnf, photo essays, and longer-form nonfiction) contemplating or embodying these questions: the information, knowledge, and wisdom contained in strife; specifically, the idea of “making art in times of crisis”; the challenges of rejecting silence and capitulation as we confront today’s world, with the ‘slow violence’ of environmental degradation, the horrors of armed conflict, the repression of vulnerable communities…and hopefully, the possibilities as well—for resistance, empowerment, solace, community—in which many of us find hope and inspiration.
Comics v. the World
Comic books and movies helped me wonder if there was a universe outside of ours where [my sister] existed alongside me.
Conscientious Collectors
My goal with this post is to give proper recognition to the Student Association and all the hard work they have done to make art accessible to the students and community of Plattsburgh.
Decolonize Now: Standard English and Doing the Right Thing
Lessons are built by and for white teachers to teach white students. It’s good intentioned, but always raises awareness of things we been knew, because we been in it our whole lives.
The Value of Working on a Literary Magazine as an Undergrad
My time with this magazine has given me the knowledge and skills I need to move forward with a career in publishing.
From Avoiding Reading to Avoiding Life
I have missed deadlines, canceled plans, pushed back projects— all so that I could finish my book.